
Showing posts from August, 2022

Wasn’t here


Wasn’t here


Wasn’t here

 I was not here

Was not here

 Not here

Wasn’t here

 I was not here

Was not here

 I was not here.

what i learned today in class

 Today for our bell ringer we did a film response. A film response is when you watch a short movie and find the lesson or the moral of the story. Todays video we watched "the last three minutes". A short recap is an 80 year old man had flash backs of his life before dying. I felt like the moral was of the story is live life to the fullest, but can be regretful. In the first few seconds of his life we seen in him drinking beer and his pregnant wife leaving him. Thats something to regret not changing youre ways and losing youre family. than we can see all the events happening in his life up until he was born.

what i learned in class

Today i learned about figurtive language and the 8 diffenet ones. The 8 types of figurtive languages are imagery, simile, metaphor, alliteration, personification,onomatopoeia, hyperbole, and lastly idioms. imagrey is the language that appeals to the senses which are sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. simile is comparing to things that are not alike at all. metaphor is  comparing two things that are not alike at all using a form to be. allitertion-repeated constant sounds occuring at the beginning of words or within words. personification- giving something that is not alive human traits. onomatopeia- the words use to mimic sounds. hyperbole- an exaggerated. idioms- lanuages or phrase that can not be translated or understood in another language.

What I learned in class

 Today in class I learned even if everybody else is agreeing to something and you know it’s wrong stand for what you believe in. I also learn what purpose means. Purpose means you’re meaning in life once you find you’re meaning in life.  

What I learned in class.

 Today in class I learned about formal and informal language. The difference between the two is that formal language is used when you are writing something very important and uses sophisticated words. Informal language is when you don’t really have to be formal and you can use words like you and me.

All about me

 Hi my name is Nyeasia. I’m 16 years old, I currently attend cedar grove high school. I’m originally from Miami Florida. I like to sleep. My goal for this year are running for school president, having a’s and b’s , and starting classes for my RN.