what i learned in class

Today i learned about figurtive language and the 8 diffenet ones. The 8 types of figurtive languages are imagery, simile, metaphor, alliteration, personification,onomatopoeia, hyperbole, and lastly idioms.
imagrey is the language that appeals to the senses which are sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell.
simile is comparing to things that are not alike at all.
metaphor is  comparing two things that are not alike at all using a form to be.
allitertion-repeated constant sounds occuring at the beginning of words or within words.
personification- giving something that is not alive human traits.
onomatopeia- the words use to mimic sounds.
hyperbole- an exaggerated.
idioms- lanuages or phrase that can not be translated or understood in another language.


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